Tearoom Treats from the Kelvin Hall Cauldron: Witches Brew

‘Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.’

Taking inspiration from the many cauldrons in the collection, Glasgow Museums are bringing you some spooky ‘Recipes from the Kelvin Hall Cauldron’ for the next three weeks to get you in the mood for Halloween!

Halloween is a great time to get creative in the kitchen, especially this year as more people will be celebrating at home. Let’s get started with some Witches Brew and Floating Eyeballs!

For the eyeballs, you will need:

  • Spherical ice mould
  • White, green and black food colouring gel or paste (easy to get online if you don’t have a local cake supplies shop)

These can be made in advance as they’re frozen in stages and can take a little while to set. Put a small amount of water into a glass. Dip a cocktail stick or skewer into the black food colouring and then stir it into the water to turn it black. Repeat if needed. You won’t need to use too much though if the colour is concentrated.

Using a teaspoon, drop a some water into your mould to make the pupil of the eye and then put the mould into the freezer. Once the pupil has frozen completely, repeat the process this time with green food colouring to make the iris.

When you come to make the white of the eye, add the water a little at a time and freeze in stages, instead of pouring it into the mould all at once. This will help stop the green dye from the iris bleeding into the white. Once your eyeballs have frozen, take them out of the mould and store in a freezer bag until you are ready to use them!

We made our Witches Brew with 1.5 litres limeade, 750ml ginger beer and a tablespoon of lemon juice, but you can make up your own recipe if you like, especially if you want something less sugary! Anything fiery red or slimy green looks great.

Mix your brew in your cauldron, a large bowl will also work. To make our brew foam, we added 150g sieved sherbet, which is about 10 packets of Dip Dab. Then take your icy eyeballs out of the freezer and add them into your brew for maximum Halloween effect. Enjoy your brew in front of a roaring fire!

  • 1445 Argyle Street | Glasgow | G3 8AW | Scotland Entry to Kelvin Hall is Free
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Green tourism gold 5 star visitor attraction